Advancing the value and excellence of general dentistry.
Advancing the value and excellence of general dentistry through a commitment to the education of general dentists and their patients.
The SC Academy of General Dentistry’s goal is to be the premier, worldwide organization of choice for all members of the general dentistry community, working together to ensure optimal oral health. Through advocacy, the Academy helps to insure that legislative decisions are in the best interest of the patient, as well as the general dentist.
The SCAGD is committed to providing value to its members and sponsors, offering quality continuing education that exposes participants to the most modern concepts and technology.
Latest News
South Carolina AGD recognized with National Award
CHICAGO, IL -- The annual House of Delegates (HOD) meeting took place in Chicago, IL on November 10-12, 2023. Representatives of each AGD constituent gathered to conduct legislative actions and to recognize individuals and constituents who continue to go above and...
A Modern Approach to Clear Aligners
GREENVILLE, SC -- The South Carolina constituent of the Academy of General Dentistry hosted a Clear Aligners continuing education course in Greenville, South Carolina. During the CE course, general dentists learned the current trends for clear aligners, reviewed...

1077 Johnnie Dodds Blvd
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464