Congratulations to 2023 SC AGD Fellows & Masters!

Congratulations to 2023 SC AGD Fellows & Masters!

LAS VEGAS, NV — The South Carolina Academy of General Dentistry traveled to Las Vegas to attend the Academy of General Dentistry’s 2023 Scientific Session. One of the major event highlights was the Convocation Ceremony, where eleven (11) SC AGD members were...
Congratulations MUSC JBECDM Class of 2023!

Congratulations MUSC JBECDM Class of 2023!

CHARLESTON, SC — Did you know that the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) chapter at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) designed the official AGD graduation stoles?  The student chapter of South Carolina Academy of General Dentistry at MUSC designed...
AGD Scientific Session in Austin, Texas

AGD Scientific Session in Austin, Texas

The AGD Scientific Session was held in person this year in July, and many awardees were able to walk across the stage and accept their awards at the Convocation in Austin, Texas. These included the Fellowship (FAGD), Mastership (MAGD), and Lifetime awards (LLSR). Any...
Lowcountry Dental Symposium

Lowcountry Dental Symposium

If the COVID-19 Pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that the value of in-person and hands-on learning can truly never be replaced. Celebrate your health and wellness and the ability meet face-to-face again by joining the Georgia & South Carolina chapters...
Your South Carolina Delegates

Your South Carolina Delegates

Your SC Delegates (Dr. Bill Burn, Dr. Jeff Horowitz, and Dr. Rocky Napier) and alternates (Dr. Scott Cayouette and Dr. Elizabeth Schuler) recently attended the national AGD meeting in San Francisco from June 18 – 21. As part of Region 19 (which covers SC, NC, GA, and...